It is now time for me to take a position on Mary Magdalene. As I have already mentioned before, I grew up with the image of her as a whore and sinner. This picture was transported by the popular belief and my Religious Education lessons. I never acknowledged her as a saint. Only some years ago I became aware how many churches and places are named after her.

In the early 1990-s I heard about the Ascended Masters in the context of a spiritual seminar, but Mary Magdalene was not mentioned, nor were we supposed to feel her energies.

It was in 2007, when I was just preparing for my book ‘The Symbols of the Masters and Archangels’, I became consciously aware of Mary Magdalene for the first time. She transmitted her symbol which you can see on the top right hand corner of this page. And I first got information from her, which I put down in the book.

It would be two more years until she really reached my heart. Although, even then, I regarded the novel ‘The Expected One’, by Cathleen McGowan, as a mixture of fact and fiction, there was something much deeper about it. You might almost say, I was reading her message between the lines. The message she intended to send to us people of the 21stcentury through this book.

In a meditation with a seminar group in Majorca/Spain, she was, all of a sudden, here. She talked to the people in the room through me. I could not help it. This was such an impressive and moving experience, I will never forget it.

Since then I have been in conscious contact with her. The impetus for this homepage also came from her. More and more, I start to understand what she wants from me: I should be one of those people who correct the false image we have about her. Somebody that should help to ‘rehabilitate’ her. Although she does not really need this, it is important to recognize her in her actual role.

This homepage, the messages she has sent me, reflect a small facet of what Mary Magdalene really is. We will not be able to comprehend her completely, as her personality is simply too grand and multi-facetted. As an Ascended Master she accompanies us through times of great change, the transformation process. And she is always on our side, whenever we ask her.



Open Mary Magdalene’s messages with a double-click on the picture.